Charlottesville, Virginia
October 19-20, 2023

The Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement (CLDE) Coalition invites you to participate in Democracy360, hosted by the University of Virginia's Karsh Institute of Democracy.

The sessions hosted by the CLDE Coalition explore the renewed determination—supported across postsecondary education—to energize and redesign college civic and democracy learning, and align the college civic learning movement with major K-12 reforms in history and civics.

The CLDE Forum at Democracy360 includes the following sessions:


Engaging Students with Democracy’s Contested Questions

Teaching the Arts of Productive Engagement Across Difference

James Madison University: James Madison Center for Civic Engagement

The Constructive Dialogue Institute 

Bipartisan Policy Center: Campus Free Expression: A New Roadmap

A UVA Karsh Institute of Democracy project: One Small Step at UVA

Interfaith America:

The New Momentum to Make College Civic Learning Universal


In Search of Crosswalks: Connecting the K-12 and Postsecondary Civic Learning Movements

Bringing Civic and Ethical Lenses to Students’ Career Preparation

Race, Learning, and American Democracy

Campus Compact

Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, Jul 5, 2023

American Association of Colleges and Universities

PEN America

Support for the CLDE Coalition at Democracy360 is generously provided by The Endeavor Foundation and The Teagle Foundation.