Full-Participation Institutions
Colleges and Universities Show How All Students Can Be Included in Civic Learning
The CLDE Coalition is calling on higher education to prepare all postsecondary students — Every Student, Every Degree — to play positive and constructive roles in democracy.
The good news for interested higher education leaders is that many two- and four-year institutions have already taken action to include civic learning in their degree requirements. Collectively, these institutions show both that full participation is feasible and that civic learning and democracy engagement can be tailored to the needs and lives of today’s diverse college students as well as to very different institutional missions.
The CLDE Coalition calls these trail-blazers “Full-Participation Institutions,” and provides a sampler of their civic learning approaches below. The challenge now is to make full participation a shared goal for all two- and four-year colleges and universities.
Is your campus a full-participation institution? We would love to learn more. Please share how your campus includes all students in civic learning through this survey.
The table can be sorted or filtered by field using the icons in the header. A larger version is available here (Larger Version).